
The code takes the following command-line parameters:

type: string
parameter: If fileroot is provided, then this is the suffix of the 1d spectrum file, with root fileroot. Otherwise, this is the full name of the 1d spectrum. The ".fits" extension is automatically added to the end of the filename.
type: string
default: ''
parameter: If fileroot is provided, then this is the suffix of the 2d spectrum file, with root fileroot. Otherwise, this is the full name of the 2d spectrum. The ".fits" extension is automatically added to the end of the filename. If this is not provided, only the 1d spectrum is displayed.
type: string
default: ''
parameter: A root common to the 1d spectrum filename and the 2d spectrum filename. If fileroot is provided but not file1d or file2d, file1d=fileroot+'e' and file1d=fileroot+'s'.
type: float
default: 0
parameter: The redshift to which the lines will be moved, i.e. this should be the redshift you expect the source to be at.
type: float
default: 0
parameter: The cosmological velocity, c*z, to which the lines will be moved (if z is provided, this entry is ignored). Note: c = 299792.458 km/s.
type: float
default: 500
parameter: The width of the lines to be shown, in km/s.
type: string
default: ''
parameter: A title to print in the plot (e.g. the name of the object). Only takes non-spaced strings for now.
type: string
default: ''
parameter: Text file containing the lines that will be plotted with the spectrum. The format of the file is two columns (space-or tab-separated), the first being the rest-frame wavelength and the second being the name of the line. Lines can be commented with the '#' character. If the file is not provided, a default set of lines including the most common ones (from ~100 to ~700 nm) will be displayed.
type: int
default: 500
parameter: Separation between ticks in the plot, in Angstrom.
type: float
default: None
parameter: Lower limit, in counts, to plot. If not provided it is automatically calculated as in ds9's zscale.
type: float
default: None
parameter: Upper limit, in counts, to plot. If not provided it is automatically calculated as in ds9's zscale.
type: float
default: 0.6
parameter: The contrast of the 2d image, as in ds9.
type: float
default: 20
parameter: Threshold, in units of sigma, to remove bad pixels from the 1d spectrum. Make it higher if you expect strong emission lines. Only works for very high pixels (as opposed to very negative ones).
type: float between 0 and 1
default: 0.8
parameter: Greyscale color of the shading around each line (with width equal to dv), where 0 is black and 1 is white.
type: float between 0 and 1
default: 0.2
parameter: Relative height at which to place the names of the lines, with respect to the maximum value of the spectrum.


./plotspec <parameter1>=<value1> <parameter2>=<value2> ...

© Cristóbal Sifón Andalaft
Last Updated November 15, 2011