
Creates a list of strings containing the selected-column names from an ASCII file. Mostly useful by calling readfile.dict.

Calling sequence:

> head = readfile.header(file, *optional_args)

type: string
parameter: Name of the file. File should be a table with objects of arbitrary type (same per column). If cols is specified, the file can have incomplete columns (that are not included in the columns to be read).
type: int or list of ints
default: 'all'
parameter: Column(s) to be returned. Numbering starts at 0.
type: {'1', '2'}
default: '1'
parameter: mode '1' means column names are given in the first line, separated by spaces; mode '2' means they are given in separate lines at the top of the file with column numbers, as in SExtractor outputs. Note that the latter headers usually enumerate the columns starting from 1, which is corrected here.
type: string
default: '#'
parameter: Character to be removed from the beginning of the header, which should be defined in the first line with column names separated by delimiter. This is useful because usually the header stars with a special character so that it is not included in the table, but this character is not a column name.

© Cristóbal Sifón Andalaft
Last Updated November 15, 2011