» links


work related

The VVV Survey's new official website (and the old site).

The VVV Variable Star Catalog's (VVV-VSC) web interface (internal use only).

The VVV Templates Project.

Website of the MAS Postdoc Symposium.

The JPL-Caltech Virtual Summer School on Big Data Analytics.

The Fifth VVV Science Meeting in Concón, Chile.

travel and nature

In Chile, forget Google Maps or you'll get lost, use the maps of the military.

Wikiexplora: a database of Andean treks.

Gerhard Hüdepohl's Atacamaphoto.

A great database of Chilean flora.

fun stuff

Eating Chilean beef.

Cervecerías Kunstmann and D'olbek.

What would a relativistic interstellar traveler see?